Monday 24 January 2011

Rubik's, changing perspective and toast (almost)

1. Amongst all the sour-faced Line 10 commuters there's a guy playing with a retro-coloured Rubik's cube. To me, he is the epitome of cool.

2. When I come out of the metro station at Duque de Pastrana to go and give an English class to the children, I can see the cuatro torres, but what seems to be an exact mirror image of them; the most modern of the four is on the wrong side, whereas usually it's the one closest to me. When I emerge out of Begoña station later on I turn and I am magically on the right side of the towers again. It makes the city seem a lot smaller.

3. I attempt toast in the toastie-maker. The result is slightly crispy white bread with toasted edges. The slight crispiness is toast enough for me after not having it for months on end.

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