Monday 17 January 2011

Examen 1, Tea Partaaay and sunnier climes

1. First exam does not go so well. I realise with a fluttering heart that I don't know how to do one of the questions, so I do all of the others and hope that they're okay. On the upside, I finally introduce myself to a couple of other Erasmus students in the class, one of whom I see in the cafeteria, and he waves and says ciao as I leave.

2. I am very much looking forward to officially proposing the Tea Party this weekend! I lugged a mountain of the UK's finest biscuits, chocolate and tea with me to Madrid, and it's been waiting to put a show on.

3. Madrid is shrouded in fog. It seems to reflect my state of mind, and by the end of the week I hope to see sunny skies.

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